Analyst Information - Earnings Estimates Glossay
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Gross Margin (FY) (%)
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as annual Total Revenue minus annual Cost of Goods Sold divided by annual Total Revenue and multiplied by 100.
Gross Margin (MRQ) (%)
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as quarterly Total Revenue minus quarterly Cost of Goods Sold divided by quarterly Total Revenue and multiplied by 100.
Gross Margin (TTM) (%)
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Total Revenue minus the trailing 12 months Cost of Goods Sold divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue and multiplied by 100.
Gross Premiums Written
Gross Premiums Written represents total premiums written before adjustments of unearned premiums, reinsurance ceded, and other adjustments. These adjustments to Gross Premiums Written yield Net Premiums Earned. Gross Premiums Written also includes premiums received through reinsurance policies of other insurance companies. Insurance policies may consist of life policies and non-life policies such as fire, automobile, professional liability, health insurance, etc.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit represents a measure of a company’s operating performance. Gross Profit states the profits earned directly from a company’s revenues and direct costs.
Gross Revenue
Gross Revenue consists of gross receipts from the sale of products and services. Gross receipts are the summation of invoice values before any adjustments such as Sales Returns and Allowances or Excise Tax Receipts.
Growth Definition
Growth investors bridge the gap between the Aggressive Growth and Core Growth investment styles. They tend to be slightly more aggressive than Core Growth investors, willing to pay slightly higher multiples for stocks and trade at a slightly more active pace. In general, they are looking for companies growing at superior rates than the general marketplace, but are unwilling to pay the extremely high multiples associated with the hyper growth stocks.
Growth in Average Value per Transaction, Total - %
Growth in Average Value per Transaction, Total - % represents the Company level Growth in Average Value per Transaction for the period, as reported by the company. It shows the period over period percentage change in average customer check or bill per transaction.
Growth in Guest Counts, Total - %
Growth in Guest Counts, Total - % represents Company level Growth in Guest Counts for the period, as reported by the company. It shows the period over period percentage change in the total number of guest or customer visits to the restaurants.
Growth in Table Games Drop (Volume), Total -%
Growth in Table Games Drop (Volume), Total - % represents the Company level Growth in the volume of Table Games Drop. It shows the percentage of change of the table games drop from the prior period. Table games drop refers to the amount of chips exchanged for cash or cash equivalents for table games.