Analyst Information - Earnings Estimates Glossay
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Loan Loss Provision
Loan Loss Provision represents provisions established for possible defaults by customers on loans from a financial institution. Reserves for possible loan losses are established on loans outstanding on the basis of country risks, industry risks and specific risks of groups of borrowers. When a borrower is in default, the allowance is reduced and replenished in the following fiscal period, which is accounted for in Loan Loss Provision.
Loans represents changes in loans to customers for banks.
Loans Held for Sale
Loans Held for Sale represents loans held for sale, rather than held for management. Banks may provide loans to customers, but sell some of them to other financial institutions, instead of holding them until their maturities. Such loans held for sale may temporarily stay in Loans Held for Sale.
Loans Origination - Investing
Loans Origination – Investing represents cash inflow from increases in loans to customers, which may be directly originated from customers, or acquired from other loan originators.
Loans Origination - Operating
Loans Origination – Operating represents an increase in loans to customers when such loans to customers are treated as operating assets by a bank.
Loans, Gains/Losses
Loans, Gains/Losses represents a reversal of gains/losses on the sale of loans by a bank. Loans to customers are usually considered operating assets for commercial banks.
Local Tax
When a company reports its tax provision segmented by geographic location of tax jurisdiction, any tax provision attributable to its local tax jurisdictions will be classified as Local Tax. Provisions attributable to national or federal income tax are not included in this value.
Local Tax - Other
When a company reports its income tax provision segmented between current and deferred taxes, any items attributable to its local tax jurisdictions, but not classified as either current or deferred, will be reported as Local Tax – Other. Provisions attributable to national or federal income tax are not included in this value.
Location: Country
Identifies institutional investor ownership by country according to the most recent, publicly available data available to Thomson Reuters
%O/S (percent of outstanding shares held) – Is calculated by dividing the shares held by the most recently reported total shares outstanding.
%O/S (percent of outstanding shares held) – Is calculated by dividing the shares held by the most recently reported total shares outstanding.
Location: Region
Identifies institutional investor ownership by global region according to the most recent, publicly available data available to Thomson Reuters.
%O/S (percent of outstanding shares held) – Is calculated by dividing the shares held by the most recently reported total shares outstanding.
%O/S (percent of outstanding shares held) – Is calculated by dividing the shares held by the most recently reported total shares outstanding.