Analyst Information - Earnings Estimates Glossay
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Part-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees represents the number of part-time employees, as reported by the company as of the fiscal period end date. Part-Time Employees also includes seasonal and temporary workers. The number of Part-Time Employees will be included in Employees if the company does not differentiate between fulltime and part-time employees.
Passenger Haul, Average Length (Kilometers)
Passenger Haul, Average Length (Kilometers) captures the average distance traveled by a scheduled fare paying passenger of the airline in kilometers.
Passenger Revenue per ASK
Passenger Revenue per ASK captures the total passenger revenues earned per available seat kilometer of the airline. It is obtained using passenger revenues divided by total available seat kilometers.
Passenger Revenue per RPK
Passenger Revenue per RPK captures the total passenger revenues earned per revenue passenger kilometer traveled by the airline. It is obtained using passenger revenue divided by total revenue passenger kilometers
Passengers, Total
Passengers, Total represents the number of persons on board a flight who is not a member of the flight or cabin crew.
Patient Days
Patient Days represents the total number of days of patient care provided by the hospital for the periods indicated.
Payable/Accrued is used when trade Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses are not delineated by a company.
Payable/Accrued represents changes in accounts payable and accrued expenses during the period when a company does not delineate the two components. An increase in accounts payable and accrued expenses has a positive impact on cash flow from operating activities, and vice versa. Payable/Accrued is utilized when a company does not delineate between Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses.
PE Ratio
A stock has a price-to-earnings ratio: the share price divided by earnings per share for the company's most recent four quarters. A projected P/E divides the share price by estimated earnings per share for the coming four quarters.
Note: The most recent quarterly updated TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) figures are used in the calculation if available. Otherwise, the most recent fiscal year figures are used.
Note: The most recent quarterly updated TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) figures are used in the calculation if available. Otherwise, the most recent fiscal year figures are used.
Pension Benefits - Overfunded
Pension Benefits – Overfunded represents overfunded pension benefits. When a company uses the Defined Benefit Method, regularly funded pension contribution may generate gains such that the fair market value of plan assets exceeds the accumulated benefit obligation. These excess benefits remain on the balance sheet as Pension Benefits – Overfunded. The accumulated benefit obligation is the present value of pension benefits earned as of the balance sheet date based on current salaries.